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Jade A. Waters

I'm Jade A. Waters, author of erotic fiction and poetry. Come visit and say hi at jadeawaters.com!

Currently reading

Hide and Seek: Erotic Tales of Voyeurs and Exhibitionists
Alison Tyler, Rachel Kramer Bussel

The Crimson Bond

The Crimson Bond - Tamsin Flowers There are three things I look for in vampire stories: sexiness with emotion, a different twist on the old vampire-turns-someone, and of course, a good dose of fun. The Crimson Bond is a solid romp that meets each of these requirements. The story is about a girl named Willow who happens to be rather smitten with her college professor, Etienne Corbeau. He’s hot. He’s mysterious. And oh, by the way—he’s a married vampire. His wife Elouise also intrigues Willow, and in a smokin’ hot scene in which Etienne gets a little too taken with his student, he almost kills her in his feed…and Elouise must turn Willow to save her life. The result is what makes this tale different: the three of them are immediately joined in a triple—or crimson—bond.

However, this bond is complicated. Willow wants both of the vampires, and both of them want her. At the same time, they don’t want the other around. Jealousy ensues. Lots of hot sex in every pairing imaginable fires up the page (the f/f scenes are particularly hot). Written in Tamsin Flowers’s lighthearted, sweet and sexy prose, the characters are some you can actually engage with. You can’t help but wonder how Willow will fare between these two lusty, possessive, and deliciously gorgeous vampires, while also rooting all of them on. In short? This tale is unique, sexy, and fun.