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Jade A. Waters

I'm Jade A. Waters, author of erotic fiction and poetry. Come visit and say hi at jadeawaters.com!

Currently reading

Hide and Seek: Erotic Tales of Voyeurs and Exhibitionists
Alison Tyler, Rachel Kramer Bussel

Hello and Welcome!

Hi there, I'm Jade A. Waters. I'm an erotica author and poetess, and I came to this site being first and foremost, a reader. I think most writers will happily tell you that they're avid readers, and it's always lovely to be connected to others with the same reading enthusiasm!


Much of my flash fiction and poetry can be found free on my site, but I've had numerous short stories published in collections from Cleis Press, Fast Forward, and Stupid Fish Productions, and my work has also been featured on The Kiss Me Quick's Erotica Podcast. My full-length novel, The Assignment, will debut as the first in the Lessons in Control series with Carina Press in December 2016. I am very excited for that time to come!


In the meantime, you can find out more about me as well as my writing at my website, http://jadeawaters.com. If you're more interested in poetry, please be sure to check out my poetry site. I hope to *meet* you there, or here, soon! :)

Sex and Cupcakes: A Juicy Collection of Essays

Sex and Cupcakes: A Juicy Collection of Essays - Rachel Kramer Bussel, Thought Catalog Rachel Kramer Bussel’s collection of nine essays features some of her best commentary while also examining our sexual culture. Pieces such as “I’m Pro-Choice and I Fuck” and “Monogamishmash,” among others, are thoughtful explorations of what our labels mean, and perhaps more importantly, what they don’t mean, while also sharing personal anecdotes and revelations in a relatable and engaging way. My personal favorites were “I Have Trouble with Orgasms” and “Sex and Cupcakes”; the former is a smart, important read for most women regarding the “lacking” some are made to feel with such a common experience, while the latter is a beautiful, revealing, and balanced memoir exploring the relationship between her two sides (erotica writer and cupcake blogger). I also particularly enjoyed her comments on society’s tendency towards slut-shaming in the name of feminism, while still condemning those who choose to speak their erotic truths—a topic that prevailed in this latter piece.

The joy of Ms. Bussel’s writing is that she doesn’t express opinions and jam them into her readers’ minds. Instead, she welcomes other desires, styles and kinks in her examination of the topics at hand. Her openness reminds readers that in exploring our own sexuality, there is no need to push our wants and desires onto others—and this openness is the primary reason her essays hold so much intrigue.

I highly recommend this collection!

Thrill Seeker: Black Lace Classics

Thrill Seeker: Black Lace Classics - Kristina Lloyd Kristina Lloyd has been on my to-read list for a while, and despite a plethora of books screaming for my attention, I couldn't resist jumping into this one after reading A.M. Hartnett's blog post on it. Her point was that people went into the book expecting something that it clearly doesn't promise, when really it's a book about a woman who is submissive through and through. The post was dead on.

Natalie is indeed a submissive, but in no way is she weak, passive, or any other ludicrous trait that has somehow become popular in other, more mainstream BDSM-focused erotica books. She is well-aware of her wants and desires, as well as how far she wants to take them (note: "thrill seeker"—so, quite far). Her trysts throughout the book are superbly written, full of raw emotion and gritty sex. In addition, Baxter, her main partner-in-crime, is delightful despite his flaws. Real delightful.

If you're expecting soft fluffy pillows and rainbows, this book is simply not for you. However, if you are interested in a REAL exploration of BDSM and the mind of a thrill-seeking woman who loves to submit, then this is it. Fabulous!

The Sexy Librarian's Big Book of Erotica

The Sexy Librarian's Big Book of Erotica - Rose  Caraway This book is probably one of the most delightful collections of erotica I've read in a while because it's got something different: variety. Every tale represents different genres and subtopics, all of which are labeled at the start of the story with a clever “old-fashioned” library catalog classification. This special touch not only makes the book fun, but it allows the reader to pick exactly what she or he is in the mood for. Take superheroes, for example. Or sex toys. Or romance. Or...moonshine. (Really!)

But beyond the card classifications, Rose Caraway has done a wonderful job of collecting beautiful, artistic, and oft-literary pieces that take the erotica genre to a whole new level. I have a few favorites, myself. There's Tamsin Flowers's "POW! It's Shibari Girl!", a charming, sassy tale about a superhero who ties her villains up in shibari knots...and one day discovers the bad guys are quite fun to play with. Then there's Angela Caperton's "Mikhael," a voyeuristic, dark supernatural/ghost story written in an incredible literary style. Kristina Wright’s “Vivi and the Magic Man" mixes fantasy and horror with lovely prose to convey a rich gypsy feel, and “The Mating Chamber” by Caraway takes us on a journey through sexy mating customs in a matriarchal society. There were several others that entertained, and overall the book offered something for everyone, no matter her preference. It's truly like visiting your very own sexy library!

When She Woke

When She Woke - Hillary Jordan A dystopian future retelling of The Scarlet Letter, When She Woke had me hooked from the start. Hannah Payne has been "chromed"—or colored—red for her crime: abortion. This dystopian world is one in which religion has undergone a resurgence, and it now dominates politics in the United States. Those who commit crimes are no longer imprisoned or put to death for their actions; they are marked and released to fend for themselves in a society rife with prejudice and moral judgements. Like Hester Prynne, Hannah will not name the celebrity figurehead who has fathered her unborn child, and this Scarlet thread carries throughout the book—but there's more, much more at work here. Hillary Jordan has created an imaginative and yet fathomable landscape of a society that's progressed so poorly it's actually regressed, and thus our journey with Hannah is one that addresses many themes: politics, religion, racism, acceptance, love, truth, friendship, honor, etc. On top of that, Ms. Jordan's style is an uncanny merging of a bit of Ray Bradbury with a large dose of Margaret Atwood, making her prose and imagery unbelievably rich, compelling, and beautiful. Admittedly, there were some moments where this read a little dense toward the latter part of the book, but it didn't deter me from being completely mesmerized by the tale. I would have liked a teeny bit *more* at the end, but overall I was so moved by this book I recommended it to everyone I know. It's really a stunning redux with so many more layers at play, making it Jordan's impressive own.


Misbehaving - Tiffany Reisz I've been meaning to pick up some of Tiffany Reisz's work for a while, and the summary of Misbehaving definitely caught my eye. This little novella was quite enjoyable—Ms. Reisz writes in a fun, light style that hooks you right in, with fast-paced dialogue as well as some good humor. On top of that, her set-up is fantastic: sex blogger needs to review a sex manual, and the only person available to assist is "the one who got away" in college? Awesome! Bea is as charmingly sassy as she is comfortable in her own skin, and Ben is clearly her adorable match. This novella is the perfect read for a relaxing afternoon.

The Crimson Bond

The Crimson Bond - Tamsin Flowers There are three things I look for in vampire stories: sexiness with emotion, a different twist on the old vampire-turns-someone, and of course, a good dose of fun. The Crimson Bond is a solid romp that meets each of these requirements. The story is about a girl named Willow who happens to be rather smitten with her college professor, Etienne Corbeau. He’s hot. He’s mysterious. And oh, by the way—he’s a married vampire. His wife Elouise also intrigues Willow, and in a smokin’ hot scene in which Etienne gets a little too taken with his student, he almost kills her in his feed…and Elouise must turn Willow to save her life. The result is what makes this tale different: the three of them are immediately joined in a triple—or crimson—bond.

However, this bond is complicated. Willow wants both of the vampires, and both of them want her. At the same time, they don’t want the other around. Jealousy ensues. Lots of hot sex in every pairing imaginable fires up the page (the f/f scenes are particularly hot). Written in Tamsin Flowers’s lighthearted, sweet and sexy prose, the characters are some you can actually engage with. You can’t help but wonder how Willow will fare between these two lusty, possessive, and deliciously gorgeous vampires, while also rooting all of them on. In short? This tale is unique, sexy, and fun.

Hooked: Write Fiction That Grabs Readers at Page One & Never Lets Them Go

Hooked: Write Fiction That Grabs Readers at Page One & Never Lets Them Go - Les Edgerton This book was an entertaining and helpful little read on the importance of good beginnings. Broken into chapters focusing on different aspects of intros (Backstory, Great First Lines, etc.), the book is a must for any novel writer - experienced or not. We are, after all, always learning how to better our craft!

Never Say Never: Tips, Tricks, and Erotic Inspiration for Lovers

Never Say Never: Tips, Tricks, and Erotic Inspiration for Lovers - Alison Tyler At some point, every couple is going to want to explore (or further explore) kinky adventures...but maybe they're not sure how to do it. Or, they need more options. Great news: this book is the answer! Blending clever commentary and hot fiction together, Alison Tyler has created a smash hit of a guide. Each chapter focuses on a particular topic—voyeurism, spanking, fellatio, pegging, etc.—that is introduced through brilliant commentary, tips, and story snippets, then leads into a full-length story to illustrate the act. The combination is lovely and effective; the overall feel is that the reader has a fun, sexy tour guide showing the ropes in an approachable and non-intimidating manner, making it safe to ask a partner for any desire. And did I mention how fantastic the commentary is? Alison Tyler's voice seals the deal on this one—she'll lead you into the world of kink not only with vast experience, but with a gentle hand and a playful whisper of, "Want to play?"

The answer is yes, you definitely do.

The Delicious Torment

The Delicious Torment - Alison Tyler Alison Tyler does it again!

The Delicious Torment is the sexy and incredibly delicious—yes, delicious—sequel to Dark Secret Love. In this episode, we follow the budding relationship between Jack and Samantha, and also get a peek at the true role of Jack's assistant, Alex. The evolution of all three relationships paired with the overall dynamic is magical to watch unfold. For starters, Sam is coming into her own and uncovering her true desires. Then we have Jack living up to his Dom nature (and oh so delightfully so), making the heat level between these two scorch the pages. And of course there's Alex, dousing everything with a little more lighter fluid and BOOM. One hot tale!

As always, Ms. Tyler's characterizations are rich, deep, and sexy, allowing the reader to get completely caught up in the tale and the lifestyle. I am a moderate-paced reader, but each time I read her stories, I whip right through. To me, this is a sign of wonderful, straightforward, and captivating writing, as well as a damn good tale. Or in this case, a wickedly delicious one.

I am counting down the days to the third installment, Ms. Tyler. Tick, tock, tick, tock...

Shameless Behavior: Brazen Stories of Overcoming Shame

Shameless Behavior: Brazen Stories of Overcoming Shame - Lana Fox, Beth Wyatt, Rion Woolf, Daniel Burnell, Laurel Issac, Sybil Rush, Axa Lee, Kyoko Church, Laila Blake, Sommer Marsden, Zoe More, Stella Harris, Zöe More I have no shame in saying I loved this collection!

Filled with a huge variety of great stories all addressing the theme—overcoming some form of shame—Shameless Behavior does an incredible job of beautifully and thoughtfully tackling some heavy issues. My personal favorite was "Cutter," by Beth Wyatt, a tale about a woman who cuts herself but experiences a gorgeous reawakening with a fighter from a nearby gym. While the writing is exquisite, the story brilliantly captures all the hurt both these characters have experienced and molds it into something hot and transformative. I couldn't get enough of this one! Another favorite was "Hunger" by Zoe More for the unique concept and delicious details—so rich and dark, and a departure from the rest of the collection. Fabulous!

There were plenty of other gems in the anthology, and a few of them were "Compassion's Seed" by Lana Fox, a clever tale of religious awakening; "Doll-Faced Demons" by Laila Blake, as a playful tale of love and rebirth; "Echo Chamber" by Sommer Marsden, full of sweetness and release; and finally, "Wet," by Kyoko Church, which ended the book with a powerful bang. In truth, all the stories were delightful, making this another perfect blend of tales from editors Lana Fox and Angela Tavares.

Dark Secret Love: A Story of Submission

Dark Secret Love: A Story of Submission - Alison Tyler Alison Tyler is brilliant.

I'd like to leave my review at that, since it pretty much says it all—but this book needs more. Ms. Tyler's tales are traditionally dark, delicious, and deep, and her characters are always so rich they jump out and captivate you into coming along for the ride. This is exactly the case with Samantha as she discovers what really drives her, starting with her early days in BDSM and onward into her relationship with the incredibly sexy Jack. Somehow, Ms. Tyler sucks you right in, so that you can feel everything as raw and tantalizingly sweet as Sam does, both in her head and on her skin. This book is just plain delicious. Absolutely delicious.

Speaking of...I'll be starting The Delicious Torment tonight. Cannot wait!

Dirty Little Numbers: Erotic Stories of 500 Words or Less

Dirty Little Numbers: Erotic Stories of 500 Words or Less - Rachel Kramer Bussel, Kristina Lloyd, Jeremy Edwards, Giselle Renarde, Annabeth Leong, Lana Fox, Daniel Burnell, Regina Kammer, Tamsin Flowers, Raziel Moore, Benji Bright, Erzabet Bishop, Stephen Dorneman, Abyssinia Grey, Nikki Haze, Axa Lee, Angela Tavares, Heather Day, T This book is such a wonderful collection of little gems! Lana Fox and Angela Tavares did a fabulous job getting a variety of authors, styles, time periods, and themes together in this one, and for those who like quick bursts of erotica, it's a delight. I had too many favorites to mention, though "Unionized" by Arianna Douglas stuck with me because of its incredible originality. Kristina Lloyd's "Under Captain Jack" kicked it off brilliantly, and "Dream Lover" by Tamsin Flowers was a sweet ending. Really, though, there were a ton of treats by authors I adore as well as many who were new to me. I must stop now lest I name every piece...but it's certainly a great collection to add to your list!

Entwined with You

Entwined with You - Sylvia Day I'm giving this one 2.5 stars... While the passion between Gideon and Eva is still quite strong, there was definitely a shift in dynamic here. Some of it was expected (see events of books 2 and 3), but the pacing didn't pack as much punch as the two previous books. I'm glad I read it, as I wanted to see Eva and Gideon's love affair through, but I have mixed feelings on the ending—as in, the trilogy getting stretched to a 5-book series midway through. Loyal fans of the pair might well find themselves satisfied with the outcome, but I struggled with this.

I do believe, however, that the sex scenes have maintained their heat throughout the series.

Those Girls: A Go Deeper Press Novelette

Those Girls: A Go Deeper Press Novelette - Alison Tyler I cannot get enough of Alison Tyler’s stories, and Those Girls is exactly the reason why.

A steamy novelette from the point of view of an experienced Dom (Sandy) and his interactions with a newbie sub (Vanessa), Those Girls is true Alison Tyler style: rich characters, wild sex scenes, and a great big dose of incredibly sexy BDSM flair. The fact that this story is from the Dom’s point of view rather than the sub’s makes it far more intense and delicious. One can fully engage with Sandy’s desire to control Vanessa, and yet also understand the level of care he has for her in their shared experience. Even while observing Vanessa through Sandy’s eyes, we can feel everything she’s feeling, want everything she’s desiring, and enjoy every burning lick of the…

Whoops. Guess you have to read the story, and it’s a hot one. Five stars. Easy.

The Christmas Tattoo

The Christmas Tattoo - Tamsin Flowers Tamsin Flowers shows her sweet and spicy flair again!

The Christmas Tattoo is a lovely little novella about a heartbroken Bradie Clements heading back home for Christmas to heal herself and make amends with her dad. Bradie’s character is one we can all identify with—annoyed at her ex, trying to connect with family, and hoping to start anew—and she’s a delight of a character. This amplifies when she meets Colton Bassett and their attraction begins to bloom. Colt is the perfect change for Bradie, bringing her out of her shell and into some deliciously hot moments. And of course, all of them center around one very special Christmas tattoo…[Picture growling here, because it’s damn good.]

Tamsin has a true knack for mixing the sweet and sultry. Each time I read her work, I find myself smiling at her ability to merge warmth and romance with erotic sex in believable, relatable characters—and in the case of Colt and Bradie and their budding romance, I was completely charmed. The Christmas Tattoo is a perfect story to read snuggled by a fire for the holidays.