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Jade A. Waters

I'm Jade A. Waters, author of erotic fiction and poetry. Come visit and say hi at jadeawaters.com!

Currently reading

Hide and Seek: Erotic Tales of Voyeurs and Exhibitionists
Alison Tyler, Rachel Kramer Bussel

The Delicious Torment

The Delicious Torment - Alison Tyler Alison Tyler does it again!

The Delicious Torment is the sexy and incredibly delicious—yes, delicious—sequel to Dark Secret Love. In this episode, we follow the budding relationship between Jack and Samantha, and also get a peek at the true role of Jack's assistant, Alex. The evolution of all three relationships paired with the overall dynamic is magical to watch unfold. For starters, Sam is coming into her own and uncovering her true desires. Then we have Jack living up to his Dom nature (and oh so delightfully so), making the heat level between these two scorch the pages. And of course there's Alex, dousing everything with a little more lighter fluid and BOOM. One hot tale!

As always, Ms. Tyler's characterizations are rich, deep, and sexy, allowing the reader to get completely caught up in the tale and the lifestyle. I am a moderate-paced reader, but each time I read her stories, I whip right through. To me, this is a sign of wonderful, straightforward, and captivating writing, as well as a damn good tale. Or in this case, a wickedly delicious one.

I am counting down the days to the third installment, Ms. Tyler. Tick, tock, tick, tock...